Anti Drone defense System Solution

Anti Drone defense System Solution

1.1 System Overview

This system is designed and formulated to meet the needs of the low-altitude defense integrated control system.

The system is equipped with radio and radar detection devices to detect targets, link optoelectronic search, confirm, and lock drone targets, conduct omnidirectional interference strikes, and omnidirectional deception to achieve unmanned automatic return/forced landing.


1.2 System Construction Goals

(1) Construction of radio and radar detection devices, optoelectronic, interference, and deception devices (front end)

(2) Construction of the command and control center command and control platform software (software)

(3) All-weather real-time intelligent duty control area to achieve timely discovery and timely rescue, so that hidden dangers will die in the bud.

(4) It can truly record the warning process and provide effective and real intuitive image data.

(5) The control center can observe the warning situation in real time, so as to timely understand the on-site situation and coordinate the dispatch and command, thereby improving the timeliness of defense processing.


Chapter 2, System Features and Main Functions

2.1.1 Low-power three-coordinate, targeting low-speed and small drone targets

The radar signal adopts a special coded signal design, which can effectively eliminate the interference of the same frequency of transmission and reception, and improve the sensitivity of the receiving channel; the radar improves the detection ability of weak target echo signals through correlation processing capabilities, and can effectively detect the target echo signals with low noise floor, ensuring the excellent detection performance of the radar; ground clutter is efficiently eliminated; a unique ground clutter elimination algorithm is adopted to achieve significant ground clutter elimination and improve the accuracy of target signal detection.


2.1.2 Fully automatic reconnaissance mode, real-time locking and positioning of targets

The system enters the fully automatic reconnaissance mode when it is turned on, without manual intervention, and identifies suspected drone signals that appear within the detection range without gaps 24 hours a day, and effectively eliminates the interference of WIFI signals. The system has no high-power electromagnetic radiation, is highly concealed, and will not interfere with the environment and human body.

When the system detects the presence of a drone signal, it will automatically enter the lock tracking mode, locate the drone, mark the drone's flight trajectory on the map in real time, automatically lock the drone's communication frequency switch, identify database data, and identify the drone's equipment model and manufacturer.


2.1.3 Accurately identify targets and high-speed tracking processing

Radio detection equipment can be networked with radar detection equipment and optoelectronic interference equipment for multi-stations, passive positioning, and guide optoelectronic and electromagnetic interference equipment to network and work, real-time tracking, and accurate tracking of targets.

Optoelectronic equipment is based on intelligent image recognition and tracking technology, combined with machine learning automatic recognition, rapid target detection, precise screening of target multi-dimensional features, multi-posture and multi-scene target capture and other algorithms to achieve rapid and accurate identification of suspicious targets and support real-time and accurate tracking of targets under complex backgrounds. The system has the characteristics of fast processing speed, high target recognition accuracy, and strong stability in complex background tracking.


2.1.4 Multi-dimensional precision strikes to reduce collateral interference

Based on the adaptive dynamic adjustment technology of the whole system performance optimization, combined with the accurate information guidance of the target situation, the system performs three-dimensional precision strikes in the direction dimension, energy dimension, and time dimension, achieving precise orientation, energy optimization, and short-term burst target interference disposal, reducing the collateral interference to the surrounding area.


2.1.5 Designated point deception of drones

The equipment is light and easy to carry and install. The interference effect is strong, the interference success rate is high, the effective distance is long, and the working power is low. There are multiple interference methods, which can be driven away, forced to land, trapped, and landed at a designated location. Automatic response strategies can be formulated according to the target location, which can realize intelligent unmanned all-weather and all-time work, and have strong environmental adaptability.


2.1.6 Discovery is confirmation, confirmation is disposal

The system realizes real-time linkage of radio equipment, radar equipment, optoelectronic equipment, and interference equipment. Through intelligent linkage strategies, it automatically realizes optoelectronic confirmation, identification, locking and tracking of radio and radar detection targets, and automatically or manually takes interference disposal measures.


2.1.7 Intelligent unattended operation, full-process automatic disposal

Based on the information-based and intelligent unattended control strategy, the system integrates intelligent deployment of drone detection, identification, tracking, disposal, and evidence collection, realizing a truly "unmanned" duty mode.


2.1.8 Intrusion and harassment evidence collection, convenient for later evidence

The system can automatically store videos of optoelectronically locked targets, support historical video playback and verification, and provide strong evidence for later disposal.


2.1.9 Comprehensive situation generation, display, and threat assessment

The system can generate and fully display comprehensive situation data such as target track, flight status, target profile, and target attributes. Combined with the control needs of the deployment area, it can intelligently evaluate the target threat level and pre-/alarm, providing strong support for user decision-making.


2.1.10 All-weather, all-time work, safer

The equipment can work at night, in dense fog, haze, and in severe weather, effectively ensuring that the control area is under control under any circumstances.


2.1.11 Rapid response to market demand, independent and controllable technical indicators

The system is independently developed, and the overall technical indicators of the system are flexible and controllable. It can be customized according to user needs to fully meet market demand.